Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

SEND - Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement.

What support is available in Doncaster for SEND?



What is stimming and why do some children stim?

Repetitive behaviours can be a major part of life for many autistic children and young people. They can be an essential way of regulating emotion and providing someone with a source of comfort or enjoyment that enables them to carry on with their day.

Please review the link below for more details.


Please look out for new updates coming soon. You can visit Doncaster's SEND webpage for updates on upcoming events here: https://www.doncaster.gov.uk/services/schools/specialist-youth-clubs

BBC Bitesize - Toolkit for SEND

CAMHS Resources:


What Special Educational Needs does Willow Primary cater for? 

We welcome all children into our school regardless of their individual needs and we will strive to fully meet their needs. We recognise our responsibility to nurture our children whatever their individual needs and to encourage and help each child to achieve their potential, not only intellectually, but also physically, creatively, emotionally and socially. 

We cater and can cater for children with:

  • SPLD specific learning difficulties
  • MLD moderate learning difficulties 
  • SLD severe learning difficulties 
  • SEMH social emotional mental health 
  • SLCN speech, language and communication needs 
  • PD physical difficulties 
  • ASD autistic spectrum disorder 
  • HI hearing impairment 
  • VI visual impairment 

What policies are in place for children with SEND? 

The following documents and policies are attached for information about Willow Primary School. We are currently updating our SEND Local Offer and SEND policy, the previous policies are below:

For further information please contact Mrs Tracy Kirsopp, SENDCo or Mrs Angela Winter SENDCo Support and Parent Link.  

Link to Doncaster Local Offer: