Safeguarding Information and Guidance

Safeguarding at Willow

Safeguarding our children is of paramount importance to us at Willow; this page is designed for parents and families to help us work together.

Safeguarding is woven into our curriculum through PSHCE lessons, Computing and IT, assemblies and through special events and external visitors.  We are proud to have achieved the Doncaster Anti-Bullying GOLD Charter Mark. 

There are three members of staff who are  trained in Safeguarding to meet the Standards expected by the Doncaster Safeguarding Children's Partnership (DSCP) for Level 3 Safeguarding Training:

  • Mrs Sumner ( Executive Principal/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mr Martin (Head of School/  Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mr Copestick (Inclusion Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mr Parkinson (Assistant Principal/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mrs Cullen (Assistant Principal/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

They attend termly update meetings and regular training in all aspects of Safeguarding, including Prevent, Domestic Abuse, Neglect and Early Help and Safer Recruitment.

Every other member of staff in school including  Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Lunch Time Supervisors, Site Team, Governors and the Office Team have achieved Level 1 Safeguarding Training as a minimum, with many team members having furthered their training in other aspects of safeguarding children. 

If any parents, families or visitors have concerns about the welfare or safety of any children from Willow, please contact any of our Safeguarding leaders without delay. 

If any adult is worried about the safety or welfare of a child, it can be reported to Doncaster Children's Services Trust through this link:

Our Safeguarding Policy is available on the 'Policies' section of our website - click to view

For significant, out of hours safeguarding concerns related to a child who attends Willow, the Safeguarding Lead can be contacted on 07985 702284. Otherwise, please use the email address. 

Please remember the mobile phone access is a service provided by staff in their own time so they may not pick up immediately. 

If there are URGENT safeguarding concerns about a child, please use the contact details on the Doncaster Children's Trust website:

Safeguarding Policy

Sun Safety at Willow Primary School