Breakfast Club

We run a Breakfast Club daily from 8.00am start time - 8.45am which is pre-bookable for each 1/2 term.

The cost is £3.50 per day per child for an 8am start and places will only be secured with advance payment for the whole half term. 

Children eligible for the Pupil Premium can access all clubs, including Breakfast Club at a reduced rate, parents are advised to contact the school office if this applies to you. 

The children enjoy toast or cereal and a drink before taking part in multi skill activities.

School leaders reserve the right to withdraw access to breakfast and after school clubs.

If your child is attending either breakfast or afterschool clubs the following terms and conditions will apply: 

  • Clubs are paid for per half term in full for the entire half term, regardless of shift patterns or any prior arrangements that  have been in place. This is to ensure that cost of staff is covered for the entire half term 
  • Clubs are paid for fully in advance of the club start date. If payment is not made then your child will not be able to attend the club
  • No refunds will be issued if your child does not attend the clubs after they have been paid for
  • No child can be added into a club after the start of a half term - they must wait until the following half term to book a place