
A Local Governing Body are actively involved in supporting and challenging  the staff at Willow Primary School to be the best we can. 

The Local Governing Body’s overall purpose is to:

  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school;
  • hold the Principal and senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its children and the performance management of staff;
  • oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure delegated money is well spent against the identified priorities and within the agreed budget;
  • actively embrace community, parental and staff engagement to raise the profile of the school within the locality and beyond; encourage growth of the pupil population and support in staff recruitment and retention.

Governors operate within the remit of a Scheme of Delegation which can be downloaded from the Trust website at

Please find a link for Key information and Finances including Articles and Memorandum of Association.



Governors Declaration of Interests 23- 24

ELP Code of Conduct for Trust Members and Governors

ELP Governance Framework and Handbook

The Governing Body consists of the following members:

We currently have vacancies on our governing body and we are seeking governors with a range of skill sets and expereinces to further enhance our governing body. Please contact Exceed Learning Partnership if you are interested. 

Willow Primary School

Governor Links



School Improvement Priority link

Other monitoring focus

School link leader

Ellie Churchward

Chair of Governors



Mental Health and Wellbeing

Remote Learning


Davina Sumner

Saffy Alam

Appointed Governor

Reading and oracy


Careers Framework/ Curriculum

Simon Martin

Laura Pownall


Liz Barkham

Parent Governor


 SEND and Inclusion



Tracy Kirsopp (SENCo)

Matthew Copestick (Inclusion)

Scott Smith

Parent Governor




Health and Safety

PE/ Sports Premium



Davina Sumner (H & S)

Michael Parkinson PE

Diane Morley (GDPR)

Simon Martin

Staff Governor




Zeyd Anwar Appointed Governor      

Governor Pen Portraits

Ellie Churchward (Chair of Governors)
I have an extensive career working in education, working as a maths and English tutor with adults, families and communities.  I am passionate about learning, and being part of a team that creates a positive environment where children can learn, and thrive.  I have many interests that involve keeping fit, and immersing myself in local culture when time permits a holiday.

I have many aspects to my career that includes training as a chef, nine years as a soldier, and finally fulfilling my childhood aspiration to become a teacher.  I have worked for Doncaster Council for ten years, and latterly as the Quality Assurance Manager within the education directorate.  I feel that my skills, experience and expertise in the world of education, can be utilised to support the school effectively, and have a positive influence on the pathway ahead for the children. I have a passion for adult learning which can hopefully support the aspirations of families too.

Scott Smith
I have recently become a parent governor at Willow. Both my children attend the school and are in year 3 & 5. I’m looking forward to playing a part in the development and progression of the school in the coming years. 

My current employment is with a global logistics firm called GEFCO. My role is site Manager for a large vehicle storage and technical facility near Epworth, responsible for 100 staff. Being part of a large organisation means I also have key responsibilities for Health & Safety, Quality and Environmental activities.

Currently I manage Bessacarr FC U10 Green’s, I have done this for 2 years and hold a FA Coaching Level 1 badge. My squad contains eleven boys all in year 5 at Willow.

Liz Barkham
I became a parent governor in June 2020, in the middle of the COVID pandemic. 

I am a Consultant Forensic Psychologist, currently working as a Head of Service for a local organisation providing specialist residential placements for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism.  I have spent my professional career developing and maintaining clinical services for many groups of people. I have authored academic textbooks for students and for over fifteen years have played a senior role in examination assessments for a national exam board.  

I am committed to assisting the school in whatever way possible, and contributing to the development and experience of all Willow students. 

Saffy Alam
Personally, I am passionate about education having been raised with the ideology that education is a ‘golden ticket’ that enables social mobility, thus improving the lives of participants and therefore the

wider community / economy.

Professionally, our 3 companies are all involved with education and training in some form; from recruitment in the training / Apprenticeships sector to attracting talent for the education sector and most recently supporting the raising of aspirations via employability/careers development training and workshops for local people.

Becoming a School Governor is an opportunity to further enhance my knowledge in an area I am already very interested and active in, with the unique angle of understanding it from ‘within’.

Whilst I’ve been involved in education / training for over 10 years, I’m relatively new to being a parent so I’m learning new aspects about the education system every day, from a completely different and fresh perspective; through the eyes of a parent and the experiences of my child.

As a Governor I will be able to utilise my broad business management skills and experiences to support the school and our community and gain a deeper and wider understanding of school/parent/children’s needs.

Being involved in my child’s development is especially important to me and having seen a snapshot of the way in which Willow Primary is run combined with the way in which my son  has thrived in some areas of his learning (despite a pandemic!) has been inspiring.

Being part of a strong team that aims to help develop young people’s education and improve lives, is ultimately the key motivation for me and I’m excited to support these goals moving forward.

Simon Martin (Staff Governor)
I am one of the staff representatives on the Governing Body. With over 30 years of experience of teaching and having held a variety of leadership roles including headship, I am ambitious for the school to offer the best possible provision for its pupils. Arriving in 2016, I joined a school at the start of a significant and rapid journey of improvement. The drive for improvement has been relentless. I am delighted to have the opportunity to support this both through my role within the leadership team and, since Christmas, on the Governing Body. I believe that central to every decision must be what impact it will have on the  children so that we develop rich and memorable experiences which enrich the children's lives. I am looking forward to the new opportunities and networks offered by joining Exceed Learning Trust in spring 2022 in order that the journey of improvement can continue, enriched by the experience, learning and research of a larger trust.

Simon Swain

My career began at Hall Cross Academy as a Teacher of Business & Economics. During my 30 years with the Academy, I have held various positions including middle and senior leadership roles and have been privileged to serve as the Principal since 2019.I am passionate about ensuring that students receive a broad and balanced curriculum and I believe that all schools should strive for excellence whilst also balancing that drive with a determination to ensure our students enjoy their school days.





To learn more about the Directors/Members of Exceed Learning Partnership please click on on the following link