Personal Development

Empowering Students for Purpose and Belonging

At Willow Primary School, we take immense pride in creating an environment that nurtures social awareness, character strength, acceptance of diversity, and academic confidence among all pupils. Personal Development is seamlessly woven into every facet of our educational experience. Each lesson, experience, event, and assembly is designed with the intent to equip our pupils for experiences in the world. Our primary aim is to cultivate a sense of purpose and belonging among our pupils and we strive to enable them to express their thoughts and ideas confidently and clearly.

Our Commitment to Excellence

At Willow Primary School, we strive to deliver a purposeful and empowering curriculum that thoroughly equips our learners for their future academic endeavors and the broader world. We encourage our pupils to aim high and recognise the importance of understanding the environment in which they live. Our curriculum is designed to expand our children's perspectives and instill in them the confidence to achieve remarkable accomplishments.

Our Personal Development Curriculum provides our pupils with the essential knowledge and insights needed to make informed decisions and to positively impact the communities they are part of. Our dedication to fostering personal growth and community engagement is at the heart of our educational approach.

Our PSHE Overview

At Willow Primary School, we integrate Personal Development into all cucrriculum lessons to help our pupils become informed and responsible young adults. Specifically, our PSHE curriculum covers key themes such as relationships, physical and mental health, online safety, economic well being, drug and alcohol education, body changes and career readiness. Our approach to PSHE supports academic growth and empowers our pupils to face life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

Our PSHE curriculum is designed with a pupil-centered approach, prioritising the needs and growth of our pupils. Through a cohesive framework, we empower children to understand and appreciate their roles and contributions within the broader community. This aligns seamlessly with our SOW (Self, Other & World) curriculum framework. We place significant emphasis on emotional literacy, resilience building, and the nurturing of both mental and physical well-being. Our PSHE curriculum equips pupils with essential skills to enhance their emotional awareness, concentration, focus, and self-regulation, fostering a supportive environment for their overall development.

Celebrating Diverse Talents

We take pride in recognising and nurturing the diverse talents of our pupils through an array of extra-curricular activities and enriching experiences. Our mission is to empower learners by equipping them with the essential knowledge, skills, and attributes needed to navigate life's challenges and embrace opportunities. We are committed to promoting both physical and mental well-being, ensuring that our students thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Enhancing Pupil Development through THRIVE 

We use the THRIVE approach to support the emotional and social development of our pupils. Our aim is to foster an environment where all children can fully engage in their educational journey and overcome challenges faced. Our THRIVE approach encourages empathetic relationships, which are vital for establishing a sense of safety and security within the school community. By fostering these connections, our pupils feel valued and understood, ultimately enabling them to excel both academically and personally. Our dedication to this holistic approach ensures that every child receives the necessary support to thrive in all areas of their education.

Personal Development Links

To see what we also offer as part of our Personal Development Curriclum, please refer to the links provided below.


Personal Development Curriculum

Protected Characteristics

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

British Values

Learning for Life Programme