Foundation Stage - Reception

Foundation Stage - Reception

The Reception Environment at Willow Primary


The School Day

The gate from Alston Road opens just before 8.40am each morning. 

The doors into school open at 8.40am, until 8.45am, children can enter any time between these times.

The school day starts at 8.45am with register, the gate is locked at this time. Any children who arrive after 8.45am will be marked as late.

Lunch time is 12.00pm - 1.00pm, with children having half of this time to eat and half to play outside.

At the end of the day, the gate from Alston Road opens at 3.00pm. Children are seen out from their classroom, one at a time to their adult, at 3.05pm.

Food and Drink in school

All children are encouraged to bring a water bottle into school each day. They have free access to this throughout the day. 

All children are offered a piece of fruit from the selection delivered to us by the 'Fruit in School' scheme. This varies according to season and we have no control over what is sent. 

All children are able to have milk each day. This is free until they turn 5, after that you need to pay through 'Cool Milk'. You will be sent information about this.

We have a 'family service' lunch time, where older children serve the younger children, providing a happy and supportive environment. Presently, all children in FS2 and KS1 are able to have a free school meal, as part of the governments 'Universal Free School Meal' initiative. School meals are booked each week using the ParentPay scheme, which you will receive information about. There is always a vegetarian option and a main meal, with an additional choice of a wrap or jacket potato, alternating through the week. Children not having a school meal are able to bring a packed lunch. 

Please note - we are a NUT FREE school due to allergies in school.    

What to wear - our school uniform

Please refer to our Uniform Policy on the Policies Page and take a look at our School Uniform page for more details. 

We expect all pupils who attend Willow to wear the uniform at all times - we have high standards and expectations for presentation.